Freemason’s Community Support Grants Program

$6,000 grants available for Tasmanian community organisations

In 2025, Freemasons will be celebrating 200 years in Tasmania and as part of those celebrations, Freemasons Tasmania has established the Freemasons Community Support Grants Program.

 Benevolence has always been the Corner Stone of the society, who registered the Masonic Benevolent Foundation in 1843 and they have steadily grown into one of Tasmania’s largest benevolent organisations.

 In furthering this mission, Freemasons will disburse up to a maximum of $50,000.00 this year in individual grants of no more than $6,000.00 each.

 Recipient organisations will not be required to provide matching funding, allowing many groups who may otherwise have been precluded the opportunity to apply.


·        7 x Freemasons Tasmania minor Grants of $2,250.00

·        5 x Freemasons Tasmania Grants up to $3,250.00

·        3 x Freemasons Tasmania major Grants up to $6,000.00