News from the Lodges


Dynamic Taekwondo Demonstration

WBro. Darren Hyland presented a fantastic evening demonstrating Shim Jang Taekwondo at Roland Lodge’s November Meeting.

Darren is a 7th Dan Black Belt in the discipline and has trained the position of Assistant Grand Master  in the  World Shim Jang Taekwondo Academy.

WBro. Darren has been training in the art for over 20 years and he is the Tasmanian State Master Instructor.

The  love and dedication for the Martial Art form does not stop with Darren, with his Wife Tammy and their children also involved.

Tammy is also highly regarded  in Taekwondo and is an Assistant Master Instructor with many years of experience at Regional Advisor level.

The couple presented the history, work ethic and ethos of Shim Jang, culminating in both of them demonstrate their mental and physical prowess, culminating in the demise of several wooden boards and many clay roof tiles!

Darren and Tammy are very passionate about  the art of Shim Jang Taekwondo and they welcome everyone to come along to one of Tassie’s Shim Jang Taekwondo Classes to see why people benefit so much from training within the art.

The Masonic Medical Research Foundation and MND Tasmania

On Saturday 12th October the Masonic Medical Research Foundation (MMRF) held a Gala Dinner in support of Motor Neurone Disease Tasmania. The aim of the event, and ongoing events, is to raise $40K to “Banish the Beast”.

The fund raising idea was pitched to the MMRF by WBro. R.G. Paterson, a Past Master of Macquarie 87 TC & Beltana 65TC and currently the Secretary of Lodge Lindisfarne 46TC.

Finding a cure is particularly close to Rob’s heart, as sadly his wife Margaret succumbed to the insidious disease.

WBro. Rob has undertaken to tour Tasmania in the following 12 months to raise awareness and money for the cause. Rob will be making a point   of   visiting   all our Lodges on his journey and calling for benevolence.

The event, held at the Motor Yacht Club in Lindisfarne, was well attended and following a sumptuous meal a keynote address was given by Professor Tracey Dickson, shown cutting the  “Kick-Off” cake with MWBro. Luke Wood, with RWBro. David Luez and Rob looking on.

International Woman's Day Breakfast

Lodge Lauriston 72T.C. provided the catering yet again for the International Woman’s Day Breakfast organised by Soroptimist International George Town.

The event was held at the Graham Fairless Centre and after preparing for the event the night before, the Lodge members assembled at 5am and worked

diligently to serve a full English breakfast at 7am for 110 guests.

Funds raised for the event are distributed as benevolence to those in need within the George Town municipality.

Defibrillator for Community

It is with much pleasure the North West Masonic Benevolence Society Inc. donated a Defibrillator through its contributing Lodge,

Devonport Masonic Lodge to the Baptcare Orana Respite and Social Centre located in East Devonport in January 2024.

This facility provides a caring and supportive environment where older people who live at home come to enjoy 􀆟me with others.

The closest defibrillator in the area is one and a half blocks away from the facility and could be a life or death occasion if required.

The management were delighted to have their request granted and have placed a very appropriate wall plaque beside the unit.


Governor of Tasmanian Visit Lindisfarne Lodge

Lodge Lindisfarne Open Installation, Saturday 7th September 2024

The Installation of RWBro. Sandy George Thomson by the MWBro. Luke John Wood which commenced at 4pm was well attended by a considerable number of public including wives and interested ladies and friends of our members.

The Grand Lodge Installation team conducted a most professional and experienced installation ceremony, to which many visitors commented, at its conclusion, as a spectacle well worth viewing.

The Lodge also expresses its thanks to VWBro. Paul Fallon for assisting in the production of our Installation programme, and to the many members who assisted in the organising of the most successful “One Hundred years of Freemasonry on the Eastern Shore Dinner” held at the MYCT, who incidentally were also celebrating their 100th year.

The dinner was attended by Her Excellency the Hon. Barbara Baker AC and Emeritus Professor Don Chalmers AO along with the Mayor of the City of Clarence, Councillor Brendan Blomeley and his wife Melina as the Lodge’s guests.

WBro. Barry Hyland, the Lodge Chaplain, offered Grace prior to the commencement of a professionally presented fair of Prime Cut Porterhouse, vegetables in season with crushed roasted potato, alternately,

seared Salmon and bean puree, mixed greens, and honey aioli. Following the meal, the Master invited Her Excellency to join him in cu􀆫ng the Installation cake, it was then presented to all as dessert with coffee.

At the completion of the meal, the toast to Grand Lodge was presented by WBro. Barry Hyland, in doing so, he touched on the history of Lodge Clarence commencement in 1924, to current times including the many amalgamations culminating in the existence of this Lodge Lindisfarne 46 TC, concluding by no􀆟ng the many charitable involvements through the different boards of Grand Lodge who assist the needs of others. The loyalty of Lindisfarne Lodge, given to the M Wor. Grand Master previously, was confirmed, the members were asked to stand, raise their glass and toast the Grand Lodge of Tasmania.

The Secretary, a􀅌er a short interlude, offered the toast to the new Master RWBro. Sandy Thomson no􀆟ng his life of offering service to the community and our Na􀆟on and again to the service of this Lodge, inviting all to stand and toast the Master.

Shortly after 10 pm Her Excellency and official party were thanked and farewelled by the Master and M Wor. Grand Master.

Burnie Emu Lodge Installation

The Master and Brethren of Burnie Emu Lodge 95T.C. were honoured when the Grand Master nominated RWBro. R.B. Ker to act as the Installing Master for his very first 􀆟me, at the Installation Ceremony of Bro. Mitch Edwick.

RWBro. Russell and the North West Ceremonial Team pulled-out all the stops to ensure the ceremony was of the highest order for their friend and Brother.

The Installation Ceremony and subsequent Banquet was worthy of our new Worshipful Master, with reports

reaching the Grand Master that his faith in RWBro. Ker was well founded and the loyal􀆟es of the Worshipful

Master and the Lodge, although never in doubt, were passed-on. WBro. Edwick’s Installation marks the first year of the Consolidation of Emu 23T.C. & Burnie Masonic 89 T.C.

Lodge’s and despite the usual fears and worry, the fact is the Consolidation has been more successful than could have been hoped and under the guidance of WBro. Mitch and the members of 95T.C., the lodge has a solid foundation on which to build.

Gidday Your Majesty

I am a regular correspondent to the Royal Family and for some reason my cards and letters strike a chord with them.

In the past I have been invited to a Westminster Abbey Commonwealth Service (2017) and Her Majes􀆟es Trooping of the Colours (all 3) in 2022.

To my great surprise in august I received a note from Queen Camilla asking to meet with me on their visit to Australia. The end result was I was one of 12 Australians personally asked to attend a gathering on 20th October in the court yard of St. Thomas’ Church in Sydney, so that the King and Queen could meet with us.

I attended with Mr Stephen Jones, who is secretary and coordinator for: Royal Overseas League Tasmania, Combined Commonwealth Socie􀆟es Tasmania and Australians for Constitutional Monarchy. I am a member of all 3 groups.

The day was wonderful, on arrival we where escorted through the crowd to the rear of the Anglican Church. It was great talking to the other invited guests and we knew the Royals were near when the Immediate Response Security Helicopter hovered over head and then the Royal convoy arrived.

After a 45 minute church service, the Royals exited the church to a huge roar of joy from the quite large crowd.

The King and Queen then slowly made there way around the gathered guests, seeming to shake everyone’s hand and taking time for a chat. As the King came to me, I was able to say

“Gidday your Majesty and Greetings from Tasmania”. He then noticed my jacket, which had a map of Tasmania, Freemasons Symbol and my Airforce Badge, which he studied quite markedly. He then straightened, smiled and we shook hands and had a brief chat.

I don’t know if the King is a Freemason or not, but I hope he noted the badge with approval.

His grip was comfortable, his voice calm and clear and his presence of warmth and interest was quite palpable and left me with a wonderful glow of pleasure.

43 years ago I paraded for him when I was a 20 year old Crash Fireman in the RNZAF and he was a young Prince, now he is my King and I have the privilege of speaking to him –WOW!

But the meeting was tinged with sadness. I couldn’t help but be concerned that this huge trip and the effort of meeting so many people may be too demanding for him. Having myself been diagnosed with cancer in April, I felt so sorry for what he is going through.

While I thought the meeting with the King was good, I was amazed at my mee􀆟ng with her Majesty. She came to me, absolutely glowing with energy and vitality. Her handshake was warm and steady. I welcomed her as I did the King, but when I started to state who I was, she stopped me by saying, “Yes I know who you are”. I was stunned and elated, it was truly one of the best moments of my life.

Indeed as we cha􀆩ed there was an aura of vitality, warmth and pleasure. When she laughed it was wonderful, when she smiled, the world was a be􀆩er place.

I’m not important, not rich and definitely not famous. Just a disabled pensioner living in a remote part of Tasmania, but I shell matter to the King & Queen.

Brother Christopher A M Walker

Mt Lyell 24 TC

Roland Lodge Installation

Roland Lodge’s October Installation saw the Grand Master, M W Bro. L.J. Wood place Bro. D.J. Hyland into the Chair of King Solomon. WBro. Hyland is held in high regard in the Sheffield community, which was reflected by the amount of community members who a􀆩ended the Banquet held at the local

RSL. This regard also spreads through Masonry, where the Deputy Grand Master, R W Bro. P.J. Kline & M W Bro’s. Oddie, Slore, Hodges & Hicks (NSW&ACT), accompanied by a plethora of Grand Lodge Officers and members attended the ceremony to support and be part of this special occasion.


Like Father, Like Son

Lauriston Raised a 3rd Genera􀆟on Freemason at their August mee􀆟ng. Bro. Alexander Wood is a “FIFO” Tasmanian Mason, as he’s an Associate at a Gold Coast legal firm, but being well known to the members of Lauriston since primary school, under no circumstances were they going to allow him to be Initiated into the United Grand Lodge of Queensland, even their Grand Master, MWBro. Jeffrey Harper AFSM agreed with the sentiments of the Northern Country Lodge!

The Worshipful Master, Past Master’s, Officers and Brethren undertook the ceremony of Raising very seriously and under strict scrutiny from their DC, VWBro. C.E. Hogan, the work was of the highest level, which, along with the usual splendid banquet, was enjoyed by a large number of visitor’s to the Riviera of the North.

Royal Arch Installation

Grand Master, MWBro. Luke Wood and the First Grand Principle of the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Tasmania, Most Eminent Companion Peter Davidson prior to the SGRACoT Grand Installation of Rt Em Comp Peter Harrold on 1st June.

Apart from being the Heads of their Orders, Luke and Peter are also fellow members of Lodge Lauriston 72T.C., quite a coup for the George Town lodge and something for the country lodge to be proud of.

Subsequently, on 15th November, Peter Davidson was recognised for his 33 years of service to the Craft in Tasmania by being awarded the conferred rank of Past Grand Chaplain.

We would all like to congratulate Very Worshipful Brother Peter Ivan Davidson on receiving his conferment and wish him well for the future.

Donation to Deloraine House

Way to go Meander Lodge! Here is our W. Bro. Scott Whiley handing over a $1500 donation to Debbie Smith of Deloraine House for the outstanding Christmas work they do for people doing it tough in the Meander Valley Community.

The donation went towards hampers for needy families and the Orphans Christmas Lunch which gives people on their own a place to be on Christmas Day. Meander Lodge members pledged an initial $500 which was subsequently backed up with another $1000 from the Board of Benevolence.

Team Pembroke

Team Pembroke – Enjoyed the start to 2025 with the presentation of Grand Lodge Certificates to Bro’s Gian Valdez & Taylor Churchill on Thursday (23 Jan). The ceremony marks the way for their masonic journey to continue. A night of fellowship, cheer & acknowledgement was enjoyed by all. We once again had a noisy south with those tales & jokes A great night and enjoyable time was had by all.

Visiting we will go

Huon Esperance Lodge held their official visit to Derwent Valley Lodge on Wednesday 15th Nov 24. The Officers & Brethren with their Worshipful Master Wor Bro WOODROW paid close attention to a talk on Hiram Abiff by Bro Jon NEWELL.